The difference between a trade and a profession is defined by the self regulation. The so called ethical restraint differentiates a job and adds value as a profession. The medical profession has earned this trust by centuries of ethical practise by the profession in general. Granted, that there are few bad apples, but still the statistics overwhelmingly support the above view.

The medical tourism, although not a new profession as we think, is certainly not yet yet in the stage of self regulation yet. This is partly due to the Internet based approach by the profession. Many medical tourism companies are none but a bunch of sales people selling cheap surgeries. Now, how can we think of enforcing ethics with this opportunistic group of people?
The first step could be facilitated by initiating the changes in the management. Unless that company is run by people who has deep understanding of the current global health care system and are willing to follow ethics, this goal will be far from reality. Mr. Bob Talasila, the founder of the World Medical and Surgical LLC remarks- " We see these temptations everyday- but it is the genuine concern for the patient and identifying the professional ethics with your self respect is the way to go. You need to have formal education and professional pride to accomplish that. Unfortunately, you can't expect that with most medical tourism companies.
The medical tourism, although not a new profession as we think, is certainly not yet yet in the stage of self regulation yet. This is partly due to the Internet based approach by the profession. Many medical tourism companies are none but a bunch of sales people selling cheap surgeries. Now, how can we think of enforcing ethics with this opportunistic group of people?
The first step could be facilitated by initiating the changes in the management. Unless that company is run by people who has deep understanding of the current global health care system and are willing to follow ethics, this goal will be far from reality. Mr. Bob Talasila, the founder of the World Medical and Surgical LLC remarks- " We see these temptations everyday- but it is the genuine concern for the patient and identifying the professional ethics with your self respect is the way to go. You need to have formal education and professional pride to accomplish that. Unfortunately, you can't expect that with most medical tourism companies.