29 Sept 2011

The importance of safety in medical tourism

The medical tourism industry has seen an impressive growth in the last decade. Since there are no established standards in this emerging industry, it is often plagued with growing pains. One of these problems includes the compromised  patient safety. Mostly, this industry is managed by marketing people, who are not best known for their ethics. This problem is further compounded by the clinics and surgeons undertaking surgeries for medical tourism patients. There is nothing wrong with that. But the issue is, some of these clinics do not have facilities to safely operate on medical tourism patients. They don't compete on quality, but just on price.

Since medical tourism has a huge online presence, most of the referrals are generated over the internet. The best way to get the consumer's (patient?) attention is by a dirt cheap price. The surgery tourism patients compare the prices with their home country and obviously feel that they are getting a good deal. But these facilities fail to disclose that quality aspect. This is especially evident from many medical tour stories that have surfaced in the recent times about the patients who have obtained plastic surgery abroad. We will be providing this much sought after information to the patients and committed to educate the patients to ensure a safer experience.

22 Sept 2011

Medical Tourism | New Hospital in Goa

We are happy to announce the introduction of Wockhardt group hospitals. This group has a strong presence in India and is also involved in bio technology and pharmaceuticals. In fact Wockhardt is the first company outside the western world  to manufacture human recombitant insulin. This group is the former owners of Fortis Hospitals in India. this hospital collaborates with Harvard Medical school, USA.

We will be concentrating on 2 major hospitals in this group. Goa and Mumbai. this group is currently building a multi speciality hospital in Mumbai, which is set open in 2012. Wockhardt is a known name in patients seeking medical india tourism. Goa is ideally placed for international medical travel. It boasts best beaches in India and is tourism hot spot. It attracts about 12% of foreign tourists annually. It give the patients an unbeatable choice to overseas medical care into a medical vacation. The average income in Goa is 2-3 times that of the rest of India and it has natural beauty and amenities to be cherished by western tourists.

20 Sept 2011

Perception of Medical Tourism about Mexico

Mexico attracts a lot of medical tourists from United States and Canada. The proximity to the North American economic powers and easier travel has benefited many patients. Despite this Mexico suffers from poor image in medical tourism. Some of the reasons being violent crime, poor quality in the most popular destinations, lack of institutional oversight, concerns about safety and language barriers. We will try to address these problems in detail.

Political instability and the increasing influence of drug mafia has raised serious concerns among Americans. Though these fears are over rated, there is still some element of truth. The news about killings and violence in major cities and around the border would not help its cause.

The proximity to USA and Canada has placed a lot of unrealistic expectations on Mexican medical practice. Although there are some reputed hospitals like those with JCI accreditation s and ISO certifications; for many hospitals, there is still a lot of room for improvement. The medical tourism has placed the the clinics in greed. The medical tourists taking reckless risks regardless of the quality of the hospitals just to save a few hundred dollars share the equal blame. Many so called hospitals are the size of some single family homes in America. In contrast, most other medical tourism destinations in India, Singapore and Thailand have the hospital bed strength in hundreds and have standard procedures in place.

Lack of tighter government control won't safeguard patients against quacks. And similar to many other countries, there is little legal recourse. Tourists are normally warned not to venture out after dark or to board un documented taxis. Having said that, there is still some quality medical tourism in Mexico. Dealing with a quality oriented and best medical tourism company is your best bet. Don't be greedy and stay away from the cheap surgery places. They are that way for a reason. You can still save a lot by dealing with reputed places, without  taking unacceptable risks.

18 Sept 2011

The best Medical Tourism company

There are many choices when it comes to medical tourism. The new companies mushroom everyday. The picture gets complicated by the fact there is absolutely no way that the consumer can make sure that information available is correct. There are many facilities abroad that are no bigger than a single family home. How can one realistically have all the equipment necessary ta take care of post surgical patients? How is it possible to have the same kind of post operative care of that of bigger hospitals? Does this hospital in the picture makes you feel comfortable?

There are many clinics and medical tourism companies virtually ignores these facts. Cheap surgery should not translate into Russian Roulette. This is where we come into picture.
We are an American medical tourism company managed by American health care professionals. We care deeply about the safety of our patients. We don't see our clients as dollar signs, but as our neighbors going under knife in some unknown destinations. We deal only with quality oriented hospitals to make the experience safe and fulfilling. Our hospitals are JCI accredited or have their strict international equivalents.

Visit our website for more info: http://www.worldmedicalandsurgical.com