We have recently stumbled upon this great article.we would like to share with you the same.
medical tourism has radically changed the way to cope with health care problems in the developed countries. Today patients have a choice to make and can literally take control of their health care. This is also true for the patients in countries which do not have access to latest medical technology like Africa and Middle East. The explosion in medical tourism services has in fact empowered the patients. The internet age has certainly contributed to this growth. Unfortunately, it has some UN desired consequences. We have recently seen an increase in patient complications due to this trend. Some companies and medical facilities intentionally with hold information from gullible patients, thus complicating the picture. We therefore thought it would be necessary publish some recommendations for the greater good of patients considering surgery abroad.
1) Get a medical opinion on what you need:
Many patients already know what they need. They might have seen their doctor and was recommended for the necessary surgery. We understand that cosmetic and bariatric surgeries could be exceptions to certain extent. But for most other procedures, it is generally necessary to have current medical opinion to have an optimal outcome.
2) Have your current medical history:
Many patients considering medical tourism are UN insured and under insured. But it is very important to provide the current medical information. The quotes given by the hospitals are subject to verification by the hospitals. Therefore it is very important to know your complete medical information. Be prepared to give your current medical numbers including Blood Pressure, Blood Glucose and Cholesterol. Also be prepared to provide the current x rays, CT scans and MRI records.
3) Have Control on your risk factors:
Make sure your current medical condition is under control. For example, the diabetes needs to be under control before surgery. The same is true for hyper tension. If you are using blood thinners, please consult your doctor for the appropriate time to discontinue. It is always a good idea to do the breathing exercises while preparing for your surgery. It has been shown to help in faster recovery. Also don’t forget to talk about your non-prescription medications. Also make sure that you are prepared to take the rigors of international travel.
4) Expectations:
Set your expectations and make sure to communicate them. It is easy to get lost in the information flow by e mail. Don’t get swayed by the information you see on the internet. Do your research and see what is realistic and practical. For the Cosmetic surgeries, please pay attention to detail about the kind of look you want.
5) Consider where you want to visit:
When price is not a huge factor, it is smart to select that place you have always wanted to visit. The travel abroad can be expensive, and there is nothing wrong to take advantage of it when you can. Also keep in mind that you have a better chance of visiting nearby countries in future. So always go for that big one if appropriate. Also think about other factors like language and security. Make sure to account for the travel expenditure and cost of living. It might be smart to do your research in advance. Think smart. Don’t let the stereotypes around you influence your decision. You need to make the decision. You can always plan to include your family members or the significant other.
6) Price:
Obviously, this does not need much explanation. Get the best value for the buck. Having said that, please keep in mind that the cheapest is not always the best. Remember that you are not buying some consumer durable. You are getting operated on your body. You cannot get a refund for your surgery abroad. So, be smart and get the bigger picture. We all know that the reason for the medical tourism is to obtain a cheap surgery, which you can’t afford or obtain in your home country.
But it is very important to differentiate between thrift and greed. It is very essential to understand that. Get a good price. But don’t compromise on the quality. It is very important to consider the potential total cost and consequences. You don’t want to appear on national TV and newspapers for the wrong reasons.
7) Get a qualified
Medical Tourism Facilitator:
This is often an overlooked but a vital part. The best medical tourism company is typically managed by health care professionals. They normally deal with only highly reputed hospitals. These professionals are aware of the risk tolerance levels. It is very prudent to select a medical tourism facilitator with extensive clinical knowledge and vast international exposure. It is not necessary that these elite group of facilitators deal with every country on the surface of earth. Some of them simply won’t do that because, they want to maintain a pool of highly qualified hospitals and at the same time they want to have close working relationship with the top management in these hospitals. Having hundreds of hospitals in the database is not necessarily a desirable sign. Also, a bigger online presence does not equate into better quality either. So, talk to your medical tourism provider. Sometimes, you might have to leave a message and /or need to provide the relevant medical information to have access to these class of professionals. But it is worth it.
Lastly, don’t let your prejudices force you to make a choice. This is a very important decision in your life. Sometimes, it is possible that some professionals with vast international exposure might have a slightly different accent. You pay the same price for your procedure, but you can expect better outcome and an excellent service. Also, these professionals are very obsessed with quality and are committed to their patients. Naturally, they expect a degree of loyalty from you. Be prepared to discuss in detail and provide necessary medical records. Please try to be prompt in your communications. Otherwise, they might think that you are just playing around and might not take you seriously.
8) Evaluate the Quotes:
Once you obtain the quotes, (which might take 2-10 days) consider them along the price, accessibility, and the qualifications of the surgeon and the reputation of the hospital. The price as was mentioned before is just part of the consideration. The surgeon’s qualifications also need a closer look. Please be aware that the qualifications might sound a little different. If in doubt, seek explanation. Many of the reputed surgeons have experience in western countries, although this is not really necessary.
The facility where your surgery is performed and where you recuperate is very critical. Unlike cheap clinics the JCI accredited hospitals have very sophisticated operating rooms and carries a much less risk of infection. They have standard operating procedures for infection control, critical medicine and are very good at what they do. They usually have dedicated international patient departments and it is not rare to see have dieticians, translators and additional services to cater to the needs of every nation in the world.
9) Plan in advance:
You need to have a passport to travel to another country. Try to have passport in hand. The waiting times vary widely by the country. Please make sure you fill out the application form correctly. If in doubt, seek help.
Many countries also need a visa to enter their country. Many times medical visas need medical documentation in detail by your physician. So, please talk to your doctor in advance and get the necessary paper work in order. While it is true that your hospital will ensure that you are in a condition to withstand the international travel to your home country, you still need to have a backup plan. Many times you will be able to get long term prescription medications with you. But you will eventually need care by your physician. Some medications might not be available in your home country. So, planning ahead will help you avoid UN necessary interruptions in your medical care.
If you need a medical loan, many reputed medical tourism facilitators can help you to find it. It will take some time and might need proof of your repayment potential. Some hospitals might need the payment in advance. So talk to medical tourism facilitator. You will need to get your flight tickets. The airline companies will penalize for poor planning by making you pay more. It is recommended that you book the airline tickets at the earliest.
10) Expect the un-expected:
Despite our best precautions, surgery always has its risks. So, access all the risks you are likely to face in your surgery abroad. The preparations include but not limited to: emergency funding in case of complications, your options in case of complications, making a legal will, estate planning and more.
This article is issued as a public service material by World Medical and Surgical LLC