The medical tourism industry has seen an impressive growth in the last decade. Since there are no established standards in this emerging industry, it is often plagued with growing pains. One of these problems includes the compromised patient safety. Mostly, this industry is managed by marketing people, who are not best known for their ethics. This problem is further compounded by the clinics and surgeons undertaking surgeries for medical tourism patients. There is nothing wrong with that. But the issue is, some of these clinics do not have facilities to safely operate on medical tourism patients. They don't compete on quality, but just on price.
Since medical tourism has a huge online presence, most of the referrals are generated over the internet. The best way to get the consumer's (patient?) attention is by a dirt cheap price. The surgery tourism patients compare the prices with their home country and obviously feel that they are getting a good deal. But these facilities fail to disclose that quality aspect. This is especially evident from many medical tour stories that have surfaced in the recent times about the patients who have obtained plastic surgery abroad. We will be providing this much sought after information to the patients and committed to educate the patients to ensure a safer experience.